Thursday, October 2, 2008

Executive Speaker on Personal Finances

Today my group met up again with Mr. Gueniot.

First all the freshmen got together in my classroom and we discussed personal finances. This was really interesting to me as I just got my first credit card a month or so ago and I'm very new to credit scores. I learned about credit scores how you can get them up and the downfalls of when they go down. I'm definitely going to be very careful with my card, but I'm also going to use it to my advantage to get a good credit line going for myself.

Afterwards, my group got together upstairs. Well, I was there first and then realized everyone else was waiting for me.... Opps! Anyway, after that Mr. Guenoit spoke with us about out credit and helped with information on credit cards. I learned that only about four of us have credit cards in our name. He talked to us about how to pay off credit card bills best and to never just pay the minimum balance or we will never pay it off. I want to make sure I get and keep a good credit rating though I don't plan on using my credit card for anything that I can't pay for. I will also look into getting more credit cards to help my credit rating. I found this site helpful for finding more cards, it explains each cards benefits and is specifically tailored to students. I'm also looking at this one as it donates money to Farm Animal Sanctuary. I'm also generally pleased with the one I have now as it gives me rewards for the everyday things I buy and helps pay off my school loans.

I can't wait for my next meeting with Mr. Gueniot on the 23rd to see what else we will talk about.