Sunday, November 9, 2008

Wolves on the Prowl

This Saturday, freshmen business students all attended Wolves on the Prowl a school community service project. The only other community service project I have done was during orientation and I did Green Light which is a program that replaces regular light bulbs with energy efficient ones. I really enjoyed doing the green light project so I was looking forward to this one.

There were a couple of choices of which community service project you could do. Sasha and I chose to do "Service starts in our own community". I chose this one because it sounded like a good way to get involved with the school. WFF is a custodial service that has been working at college campuses for 30 years! I love our WFF workers. They always keep everything really clean and are the nicest people. I work in the library and I've gotten to know a few of the workers there and they are awesome! I truly believe they deserve a nice break area.

This is the finished break room:

This room was the old WFF break room from what I heard but what happened was over the years with renovations it got overrun and unable to be used. Of coarse WFF workers are able to break anywhere but wanted to make them a room of their own to feel comfortable in. There were probably around 25-30 people in our group. We got rid of all the trash and old furniture. We also scrubbed the walls clean. I really wish I had some before pictures to compare with these! After everything was clean and we moved in new furniture, a bunch of us got together and made some posters for the wall to show how much we appreciated all that the WFF workers do for us. I really loved this experience and I hope the room is able to be put to good use.

Doing community dervice for my Intro to Business class reinforced my desire to do more community service. I have been looking into volunteering for HSUS Louisana (Humane Society of the United States) a program that fights animal cruelty and influences shelters to become no-kill shelters. They explain on their website that it is unknown to many people that many parishes don't even have basic facilities for homeless, sick or injured animals. HSUS is a company that has been around since 1953 helping to stop animal cruelty. I would love to volunteer to raise money for HSUS and awareness on animal cruelty.